As we finished installing the windows Tuesday we started to notice some things that didn’t add up. In our initial review everything seemed to be correct. But upon closer inspection we noticed that the tempered glass unit (2 mulled casements) that was to be used in the bathroom only contained one tempered window, the other was not tempered. So I emailed the AccurateDorwin rep to say we were missing a tempered glass window.

Then we found that one of the larger units on the first floor (pictured above) had a tempered glass window. We had found our missing tempered glass casement. All the south-facing operative windows are the same size, so theoretically we should be able to swap them out. Then we found that the bathroom unit really is the bedroom unit, it has the special egress hinges. So essentially 3 of the window units (out of 14) were assembled somewhat randomly.

Disappointing. Now we’re waiting to see how their customer service responds. Stay tuned…